Friday, March 28, 2008

gang banging college boy shakes phat ass rump shaker, frots, and grinds on a pillow: special post for DEMHUMPZ


DEMHUMPZ said...

Thanx,I appreciate that after a hard day at work this is exactly what i want to see. This boi almost has as much ass as me(check me out (;), luv how he works dat!

filthyhot said...

i definitely will check it out. i can see a little sumthin sumthin from the avatar pic...

DEMHUMPZ said...

yeah that's the only pic of me i have on here & my blog so far. As u can see from my blog we think alot alike. I've been crushing on Quentin Elias and that ass for months. i got one of the randy blue videos, hottt!

filthyhot said...

i can take some more for you anytime. just let me know.i'm a professional.

the blog was hot. the pic of that soccer/futbol guy was my fav. hopefully, he has a lot more like that. he's my new obession.

i have a bunch of pics of quentin bending over and modeling underwear i will post some tommorrow. he is definitely one of my favorite adult models of the moment.

hopefully, i can get my hand on more vids of his

DEMHUMPZ said...
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DEMHUMPZ said...

i can send u sum pics. also i can send u the lnk so u can download the quentin video. U should get a cbox

filthyhot said...

send it to me. hurry. lol. i just sent you an email. how do i get a cbox?

DEMHUMPZ said...

here's the link for quentin from one ass lover to another & a few more links with big asses u have to see!

go to and register it takes like 2 minutes & u have an insatant chatbox. I have it on mine u can get to the site from there.

filthyhot said...

im checking this out right now.

i posted a new pic of quentin and alex castro. alot of people think their the same person. i think he's hot too.

will look into cbox.

filthyhot said...

i need to upgrade to dsl right now. it's taking forever to download and i am about to fall out. can't wait to see it.